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“The One Thing” 2.0 Challenge
July 24 - August 21


Trying to change too many habits or routines at once can be too much and lead to failure and discouragement.  It’s best to work on one new habit at a time and once you are doing it consistently, without needing as much focused effort, you can move on to something else.


That’s what “The One Thing” Challenge is all about.  What is the ONE THING right now that you need to change, add in, or focus on the most?  Is it nutrition or intentional movement?  Maybe it’s cutting out or moderating alcohol consumption.  It could be that you need to moderate your sugar intake or maybe even it is working on better sleep habits or stress management.  It’s different for everyone.




  1. Choose your ONE THING

  2. Next, decide what are 1 to 3 other habits that you have been doing pretty consistently already, that you want to keep going.  (I don’t want to see anyone focus so much on the ONE THING that they drop all the other good things they have been doing)

  3. Get very specific and detailed about how you are defining your ONE THING.  For example, if it is moderating sugar, write out how this will look….no sugar at all for 4 weeks?  Or no sugar all week except a cheat day once a week?  

  4. Commit to YOURSELF and the group that you will focus on the ONE THING for the next 4 weeks and be honest about your adherence or your struggle with it at the end of each week.

  5. Have fun with this!  This is not meant to make you miserable but to challenge you in a fun way to get a new habit going that you have been wanting to start but just haven’t taken the leap yet.




For each day that you flawlessly execute your ONE THING, you get a point.  So a perfect week would mean 7 points.  The person with the most points after 4 weeks will win a prize!




We will meet every Saturday at 8:30 CST for one hour on Zoom.  I will be bringing new content and material for the Zoom meeting and it as always will be a fun way to encourage one another, share our wins and challenges, and learn new ideas on how to have better success.


I’m looking forward to this challenge myself and am hoping to get more focused on my own habits over the next 4 weeks!  I hope to see you all there on June 12th!


PS:  I encourage you to not choose a RESULT but rather a PROCESS for this challenge.  For example, don’t make “losing 5 pounds” your “one thing” but rather if you want to lose 5 pounds, choose “exercising 5 times every week for at least 30 minutes per day”.  We can’t control the results.  We can only control the processes, habits, and methods that we are consistent in which will in return hopefully bring us the results we desire.

Sign up HERE!



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See you JULY 24!!

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